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LBGT and SW lack basic rights enshrined in the constitution due to the prevailing societal prejudices and it is our mission as Nkoko Iju Africa to champion for the following:
• Right to Work
• Right to Freedom of the Person
• Right to Health services.
• Right to Freedom of Assembly and Association
• Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination
• Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
• General Right to Dignity

We have previously partnered with MUHURI to advocate against violence on sex workers; we brought together security officers in Kisauni and Nyali, where we engaged the security personnel on sex worker’s human rights. Through this engagement, criminal gangs such as Sungusungu that was harassing and extorting money from sex workers was contained.
Through advocacy and lobbying like-minded partners and other C.S.Os in Mombasa county, Nkoko Iju Africa is today a member of Mombasa county C.S.O.s network


• Engaging Sex Workers in training forums on economic empowerment
• Business credit loans
• Business training access to finances
• Launch agriculturally based enterprises and support their growth
• Establishing policies to enhance transparency and accountability 

In 2019, we referred 30 young Sex workers to Little sisters who trained and qualified on dress and bead making. We also trained 20 sex workers on chicken rearing through Njaa Marufuku program sponsored by national government. From this program 20 girls managed to go back to school using proceeds from the sales of chicken. We are pleased to report that of the 20 girls that went back to schools, 5 managed to get form 4 certificates.
With the help of Barclays bank, we managed to set up and run a salon business where 10 sex workers get their income. 


Sex workers and LGBTI groups have abusive comments and judgmental attitudes directed towards them. Most times health workers refuse to offer treatment to these groups .The organization seeks to:

• Building the capacity of healthcare providers
• Improving psycho-social support for Sex Workers
• Integrating Sex Workers in health policy forum
• Increasing the pool of knowledge about health that is accessible to the FSW & GSM (tools and information) 

Since inception in 2018, we have trained 20 peer leaders on reproductive health, GBV and human right. The trained peer leaders have managed to reach out to 4000 sex workers on reproductive information, distribute condoms and lubes through the support of AHF (AIDS Healthcare Foundation) and ICRH
For clinical services, we have referred those in need to ICRH and AHF where some members come back for safe space and body to body care.
HIGH VOICE OF AFRICA supports sex workers by providing them with Reproduction health support by referring them to the nearest drop in center, teaching them, their human and legal rights as sex workers.

Our Achievements


 We managed to join Pwani GBV Network, MCHANE and …. In 2018.Through these groups we have managed to get a platform to champion and sensitization of sex workers and LGBT community.

 Through networking, 10 of our young sex workers were trained by PWANI GBV network on life skills and got job opportunities in tailoring, salon and are fending for themselves and their families.

 Through Pwani GBV network we managed to sensitize security officers on human rights issues affecting the sex workers and LGBT. This has led to reduced number of harassment of sex workers by security officers in Mombasa.

 Through our patron we won the woman with the golden hand award 2019 (UN 2030 Agenda)

 We managed to relocate two MSMs who were under death threats from the locations they lives in.

 Through members contribution we acquired a ten acre piece of land in Kilifi County that we intent to put up agribusiness activities for alternative income generation. 

Peer Educators 


Sex Workers                           


Community Health Workers




1234 Street Name
City, AA 99999


Email: nkokoijuafrica@gmail.com                     
Phone: +254721915242 



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